Wednesday 27 May 2020

Enhance your experience of online learning with eCOLLAB

Education is one of the most important aspects of our lives as without proper education one can't get anything. We have always heard from our childhood that study is essential for us. Today, we all are dealing with this COVID-19 epidemic which has brought a lot of troubles in our lives. All education centers have been closed and amid this lockdown it has become difficult for both teachers and students to continue their study. Although there are many web-based applications in the market which allow online learning but every platform is not user friendly and requires expertise to handle.

We all know that in India the trend of online learning is not that much due to which students are not even taking interest in online learning. After working in this scenario, Expedien eSolutions has recently launched they are new onlinelearning app which is named eCOLLAB. It has now proved to be a great platform for online study and is having a user friendly interface for both students and teachers.

What is eCOLLAB

You may have attended various online classes and also there are multiple online teaching apps in the market but there is a lot of difference among those and eCOLLAB. It is a perfect electronic place for all your essential needs and communications. It is one of the most suitable apps for online team meetings & collaboration as it takes care of your privacy, all your data is safe and secured. eCOLLAB is a multipurpose platform that is convenient for both online learning and office requirements.

There are various online meeting apps that can be downloaded from different platforms but can you trust them? Will you feel comfortable sharing your confidential information on these platforms? Of course not as every app can not be trusted and liable but eCOLLAB of Expedien eSolutions is here to fulfill all your requirements related to online audio & video conferencing with faith and protection.

Online vs offline programs

Before this national lockdown neither companies nor education centers were more focused on running online programs but this pandemic had taught us to stand together in critical situations. All thanks to these apps which have proved to be a hub for teamwork and efficiency. Due to these smart applications we can work and learn from the comfort of our home anytime. A debate has always been there about what is best among offline and online learning. In our country we have majorly focused on offline programs but this is the world of digitalization and we have to change ourselves. Let us come to know more about online and offline programs with some facts.

Several webinars get conducted for different reasons at different places. In the case of offline the circle of engagement is limited as everyone can't reach an organized place. But in the case of online webinars through video conferencing it has become easy to deliver knowledge to a large group of people who are sitting at different corners of the world.

Today due to the document sharing apps it has become easy to circulate information in seconds at multiple places. Amid this lockdown, online classes have proved to be a savior for students which allows them to continue their study otherwise, it would have been a tough challenge for both students and teachers to cover up the syllabus after wasting five or six months due to lockdown.


Whether you are an education hub or an organization in both situations one needs the best app for online working and in this situation eCOLLAB will fulfill all your requirements. It is the right time to grow yourself and reach your services at the national level by using online mode. We have shared the best app for online education which is launched by the Expedien eSolutions for your ease.

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