Saturday 17 October 2020

It is necessary to implement ERP for higher education in educational institutions.


Advances in information technology have redefined the way educational institutions operate. The replacement of old systems with a centralized ERP brings rapid and quantitative improvements to the administration process. Thus, the electronic solutions company Expedian is equipped with the latest ERPfor higher education. Expedian e-Solutions ERP software includes a set of tools that modernize the campus with student enrollment, course sessions, planning, and management of course-related processes and upgrades. Library, customer service, etc.

An ERP system for education automates and streamlines all processes operating within the institution's boundaries to dramatically improve the efficiency of the allocation and optimal use of educational resources.

The main benefits of implementing ERP in educational institutions are giving below.

 Simplify the admissions process

Admission to schools, colleges, universities, or any other educational institution is complex and lengthy. Each application includes some information about the candidate, including date of birth, brands, expertise, and more. To determine a candidate's eligibility, you must verify all of these records. If the work is done manually, the process takes a long time. However, with the help of Expedian ERP software, this process of enrolling the most suitable students is simplified. The system displays all the necessary components in one place, making them easily accessible to the administrator and speeding up the validation process.

Automatic fee payment

The collection of fees is another necessary procedure in any educational institution. Manage the process used to surround the administrators before the introduction of the ERP. They must check every payment record of all students to verify if fees have been paid and what is owed.

Expedian ERP system frees up this monotonous manual task and makes expense collection hassle-free and less tiring. The software automatically sets aside fees collected in different categories and including the amount paid for tuition, admission, book, lab, etc. to help students stay informed about the status of their fees. The fees also follow all the components of the structure. In addition, the software solution also generates automatic alerts to notify students or their parents in time through the appropriate communication mode.

Centralized data management

Educational institutions need to store a lot of information about students, books, exam times, lesson plans, and other data. An Expedian ERP solution integrates the entire campus and all branches of a standard system to simplify the data management process. The software allows teachers, staff, and students to share data stored across departments to keep them informed of important announcements.

effective cost

One of the most important benefits of implementing ERP in all areas, including educational institutions, is its cost-effectiveness. Expedian ERP software removes basic campus administration methods such as admissions, payroll, fee collection, and more to include manual tasks to reduce the number of working hours, resulting in money savings. Expenses incurred can be used for compulsory education.

Fast management process

Expedian Education ERP system provides easy and quick access to students, employees, schedules, exams, admissions, fees, reports, etc. It helps management to quickly review and analyze various aspects of the institution, thereby improving planning capabilities. Better access to data promotes informed decision making through strategic data analysis.

Improve resource management

An efficient ERP system eliminates the manual maintenance of cumbersome resource databases. The software can track real-time inventory and resource usage, allowing you to conduct, allocate, and monitor all organization activities intuitively. IT helps to speed up daily activities and work well on time if there is any problem or problem.

data security

The nature of retail requires a dynamic pricing system. However, keeping on manually track of this is a difficult task. For that, you need a robust ERP solution that can automate the process of recording the price of products and the discounts available on them, thus making this process simple and straightforward.

Each educational institution must keep records of students for the current academic year and alumni, teachers, books, and other resources on one or more campuses. Together, the amount of data becomes very large, and it is never safe to physically store it on shelves. ERP software can safely store this large amount of information. The application has a backup system to keep the report, which is quite impossible when stored in files.

Expedian e-Solins ERP System

Expedian E-Solutions has many years of experience in providing and supporting the full implementation of ERP solutions. If you want to use the power of ERP software for your educational institutions or if you're going to upgrade your existing business technology solutions, fill out a form here on our website, and our experts will get back to you.


This way, you will better control internal and external communication in your institution and never suffer from a communication breakdown.

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