Sunday 20 December 2020

Expedien PDS System is helpful to bring transparency in PDS Data.


What is a PDS system?

The publicdistribution system is a series of government-sponsored stores that are joined with the task of distributing basic and non-food items to the poor in society at very low prices.

Wheat, rice, kerosene, sugar, etc. are some of the major commodities distributed by the public distribution system. The example of the government agency Food Corporation of India manages the public distribution system. Over the years, PDS has become an important part of government policy on managing the country's food economy.

PDS is implemented throughout India. However, it has found major problems in the distribution system and a lot of corruption in the PDS system.

To solve all this problem, a major request by the People's Government has decided to digitized this system. Therefore, the expedein embedded in it and brings the solution in the form of PDS software.

Features of PDS Software with Expedien

• Robust web-based solution with enhanced network connectivity

• Details on the supply of essentials

• Helps monitor inventory and supply ratios

• Facilitates complaint management and consumer complaint management

• World-class inventory and inventory management

• Wholesale and retail prices of essentials

• Recipient registration and purchase details



Why is PDS so important?

·        Food grain for the poor, cheaper than the price of food grain in private stores.

·        Helps stabilize food prices and make food available to the poor at affordable prices.

·         It maintains a buffered stock of edible grains in the warehouse, so food flow remains active even during periods of low produce production.

How does PDS work?

       The required steps are (1) procurement of edible grain (2) storage of edible grain (3) allocation to family members (4) transportation of edible grain.

PDS system  facing problems

• Even if the buffer inventory is full, all incoming grain will be accepted and there will be a shortage in the open market. Recent enforcement of the National Food Security Act will only increase the amount of procurement and raise the price of grains.

• The gap between the required storage capacity and the existing storage capacity.

• Insufficient FCI storage capacity.

• Corruption or damage to edible grains in CAP or Cover & Plinth storage.

• Inaccurate identification of beneficiaries.

• Illegal Fair-Priced Stores: Store owners have created a number of fake or ghost cards (cards for non-existent people) to sell edible grain in the open market.

• Leakage and diversion of edible grain in transit.

 Demand in PDS reform

• The need for time is a PDS reform to ensure that public distribution works as intended. Technology-based reforms are being proposed.

• Technology-based innovation: End-to-end computerization brings transparency to the entire process. It helps to significantly prevent the leakage and diversion of edible grains.

How Expedien PDS Software Works on PDS Systems

• Adhaar link and digitized distribution card: First, you need to enter the online number of the  ration  distribution card. Helps you change your ration card to an aadhaar link and digital ration card. This system enables online entry and validation of beneficiary data. It also enables online tracking of off-takes of edible grains by monthly eligibility and beneficiaries.

• Computerized Reasonable Price Shop: This system FPS is automated by installing a "POS" device and exchanging distribution cards. It authenticates the beneficiaries and records the amount of subsidized grain given to the family.

• Use of GPS technology: This convenience was used with the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology of the PDS system to track the movement of trucks carrying edible grain from state warehouses to FPS.



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