Sunday 28 February 2021

Expedien PDS Software is the best solution to your PDS system problems.

 PDS means distributing essential materials to a large number of people. This is done by the government.

Public Distribution System (PDS) is India's flagship food security program based on the distribution of key essential commodities at discounted prices.

PDS is a national scheme divided into two parts. The first are that essential commodity (mainly rice, wheat, sugar, and kerosene) are procured by the central government from private producers at prices below market value and the second is redistributed through reasonably priced reserves go. , Known as the most distributed distributor in the country.

The PDS organization is divided into a central government that sets national food policies and allocates goods distributed to states, and a state government that designs and implements distribution schemes at the local level.

The public distribution system included corruption and illegal smuggling of goods by controversial authorities. All this happens because every task of the distributor involves manual work and there is no specific high-tech technology to automate the work. For this Expedien introduce the PDS system with PDS software to end all problems.


PDS Administrator

PDS works under the joint responsibility of the Central and State Governments.

• The central government manages the public distribution the system through the Food Corporation of India (FCI), a government agency established in 1965.

• It ensures that the farmers get reward prices on one hand and consumers get food grains from the central pool on the other side at the same price.

• The state government has the following responsibilities:

• Appropriate family work and identification.

• Issue of distribution card.

• Monitoring and inspection of fair price shop (FPS) functions.


Purpose of PDS

• Protect low-income groups by guaranteeing a certain minimum food supply at a cheaper price.

• Help to avoid hunger and famine by supplying food in areas less than the surplus areas of the country.

• Indirectly check the open market prices of various commodities.

• Socialization effort in relation to required distribution

• Ensure proper delivery.


 Target Public Distribution System (TPDS)

The Government of India has adopted TPDS with the aim of reducing the burden of food subsidies and more accurately targeting those who really need it. This program is run by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

Excellent features of TDPS:

(1) Responsibility: The Covered Public Distribution System (TPDS) operates under the joint responsibility of the Central Government and the State / Union Territory (UT) Government.

(2) Population categories: This system categorizes the entire population into two categories and targets the poor.

(I) BPL (Below Poverty Line) -TPDS aims to provide food grains to people below the poverty line at a higher subsidy price than PDS.

 (Ii) APL (Above Poverty Line) -

India's current poverty rate is based on data from the Planning Committee derived from the so-called Tendulkar system. It defines poverty in terms of consumption rather than annual income. India has set an official limit of £ 26 per day in rural areas and around £ 32 per day in urban areas.

(3) End-to-end computerization: It has made PDS and distribution cards completely digital in most states.

(4) Foodgrains Allocation: Currently, the allocations have been made as per the National Food Security Act (NFSA) of 2013, which covers two-thirds of the whole of India. (Up to 75% of the rural population, up to 50% of the urban population).


 Expedien public distribution software

The main purpose of Expedien PDS software is to automate the delivery process. The PDS software drives a microcontroller that controls all the functions of the system. It has a user interface with a display and keypad. Customers must provide their fingerprints to access the system. This will prevent illegal transactions. Once the fingerprint is determined, the system provides access to the customer's account and displays the products and quantities available to a particular customer specified by the display department.

Once the delivery is complete, the PDS system will display the remaining quota/ration available to the customer and update this data through GSM or IOT to the food supply department.

This system allows the food supply sector to control and change the quantity of ration/commodities such as grains, oil, and kerosene. It can also be applied to all existing distributors. All activities are monitored by the food supply sector of the government and the PDS system does not allow illegal activities.

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